Two Time Pad
surely using it just one more time is fine right?
Challenge Script:
import os
PUBLIC_MESSAGE = b"Hello! This is a real message. However, obtaining this won't give you anything; you need to find the secret message"
SECRET_MESSAGE = b"This is a fake message. The output produced is by running this script with the real message."
one_time_pad = os.urandom(len(PUBLIC_MESSAGE)) # generates a completely random key to be used in the XOR cipher
def xor(key, plaintext): # performs a XOR operation on the key and the plaintext
return bytes([keybyte ^ ptbyte for keybyte, ptbyte in zip(key, plaintext)])
print(xor(one_time_pad, PUBLIC_MESSAGE).hex()) # outputs the result of xor(one_time_pad, public_message) as a hex string
print(xor(one_time_pad, SECRET_MESSAGE).hex())