Modular Technology

this one might be a little mathsy

intro puzzle

Challenge script:
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime

SECRET_MESSAGE = b"This is a fake message. You need to use the output to recover the real message."
assert len(SECRET_MESSAGE) == 79

def to_bytes(x): # converts number to 256 bytes (base 10 -> base256)
    return x.to_bytes(256, "big")

def from_bytes(x): # converts 256 bytes to number (base256 -> base 10)
    return int.from_bytes(x, "big")

p, q = getPrime(1024), getPrime(1024) # generate two large primes
modulus = p * q # multiply them together
exponent = 3
print((from_bytes(SECRET_MESSAGE) ** exponent) % modulus) # encrypt using RSA, by doing pt raised to the power of exponent (3) modulo the modulus

note: can be used to deal with any large number operations